For testing the specialized software ASTOP (Automated System for Testing the Educational Process) was used from 2004 till 2014. In addition to ASTOP program Hyper Test programme was also used to monitor the learners’ knowledge.
Since 2014 the use of ASTOP programme has been ceased as the Sirius programme has been implemented which contains all types of testing and control.
Since 2020 used of Platonus programme.
Aims and objectives of Testing Department:
1. Implementation of the organization of a centralized service for testing the knowledge of learners;
2. Improvement of system of test knowledge control in the educational activities of WKMU, the implementation and maintenance of computer technologies for testing learners` knowledge at an appropriate level;
3. Organization and conduct of complex testing of learners in the main subjects of higher professional education programs;
Functions of Testing Department:
1.Organizing and testing of learners in the test centre;
2.Processing and registration of test results;
3.Organizing and ensuring the uninterrupted operation of computer classes;
4. Continuous updating and systematization of software;

Gataulina Bagiya Almyrzaevna – Head of Testing Department, Master of Informatics;
Orynbekova Kamar Orynbekkyzy – specialist;
Tilepbergenova Maigul Maratovna – specialist;
Zhakyp Zhanat Talgatkyzy – specialist;
Contact details: Aktobe, Maresyeva str., 68, the main building, room # 108. Tel: 8 (7132) 56-76-39