Department of Radiology – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Department of Radiology

Iztleuov Erbolat Maratovich, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, radiation diagnostics doctor of the highest category, author of 250 scientific papers. Has a patent, teaching aids, and copyright certificates. Hirsch index – 4.

In 2012, he received a Letter of Gratitude from the Ministry of Health and Human Development, and in 2017, he was awarded the “Kurmet” badge for his contribution to the development of the university. In the same year he was awarded the Public Medal of NI Pirogov, and in 2020 – the badge “Excellence in Healthcare”.

Personnel composition:

Mutigulina Gulbanu Amangosovna – Master of Medicine, Associate Professor of the Department.

Elubaeva Alma Elubaevna – Master of Medicine, Associate Professor of the Department.

Shengelbaeva Aigerim Kenzhebekovna – assistant of the department.

History of the department:

The radiology course was organized in 1959 at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of the Aktobe Medical Institute. The first head of the radiology course was Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Evgeniy Alekseevich Brusilovsky.

From 1971 to 1995, the head of the Department of Radiology and Radiology was Professor Smagulov Azhmagi Smagulovich. After completing graduate school and defending his Ph.D. thesis, Sultanov T.A. began working at the department, and in 1975, Shaikhimov E.Sh. Already in 1975, five teachers worked at the department and all of them had academic degrees.

1995-2009 department, then the course of radiation diagnostics and radiation therapy was headed by Ph.D. Professor Sultanov T.A.

Since 2009, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Kibataev K.M. was appointed responsible for the course of visual diagnostics.

The department was replenished with young specialists, such as Sharipov R.A., Koshkimbaev A.T., Nurtaeva S.M., Khabieva A.B., G.A. Mutigulina, part-time workers S.A. Aldiyarov.

 From 1996 to 2023, it existed as a visual diagnostics course and belonged to the departments of propaedeutics of internal diseases, oncology, and clinical laboratory diagnostics. Since 2023, it has separated and organized itself as the Department of Radiology.


Continuous improvement of scientific, pedagogical and clinical activities, thereby making a continuous contribution to the development of the university and the training of highly qualified radiology doctors with knowledge and professional competencies in the field of diagnosing various pathologies.


The department trains 3rd year students of the specialty “Medicine”, “Dentistry”, “Military Medicine”, 6th year students of the specialty “General Medicine”, residents of the specialty “Oncology”, “Endocrinology”, residents of the specialty “Radiology”.

Employees of the department are conducting the scientific work of the Ministry of Education and Science “Prevention of spontaneous oncogenesis in the first generation of rats, whose parents were exposed to gamma irradiation and chromium (experiment)” 2023-2025.

 An application has been submitted for the scientific work of the Ministry of Education and Science “Healthy village – Screening in 3 days. IT technologies in early diagnosis of breast cancer.”

Managers and associate professors conduct advanced training courses for doctors in the specialty, advanced courses for doctors and paramedics in the specialty “Radiation diagnostics”.

Employees of the department conduct clinical work on the basis of the Medical Center of the West Kazakhstan Medical University in the radiology departments, conduct 2-read screening of the mammary glands, stereotactic biopsy of the mammary glands, ductography,


With the formation of the department in 2023, a residency program in the specialty of Radiation Diagnostics opened. Residents gain skills in the radiation diagnostics department on the basis of the MC ZKMU, MOB, AMC, AODB, AOFPTs.

The department staff plans to conduct clinical activities in the PMPK-mobile medical complex (ultrasound, CT, mammography).

Students gain skills in the PACS system, a system for transmitting, processing and storing images of CT, MRI, radiography, mammography, ultrasound.


Medical Center of the NAO ZKMU named after M. Ospanov, Zhanakonys 8, in the classrooms of the 3rd floor – rooms 339, 340, in the radiation therapy department – classroom. Room No. 3, dept. Chemotherapy – study room No. 4. @-mail: [email protected]

Contact numbers: 8 775 698 88 66, 8 775 343 44 85.

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