The history of the opening of the University’s Editorial and Publishing Center is connected with publication of Medic newspaper. In 1969, the first editions of this newspaper were published under the supervision of medical institute rector – T.Sh. Sharmanov.

As editor of the newspaper was invited Viktor Ivanovich Kopistko. Professors, Associate Professors and students were involved in the work of the newspaper.
At that time, there was a student correspondent school at the department of humanities, which was headed by Associate Professor Ye.N. Agapov. Correspondents took master classes from journalists of regional newspapers. The editorial staff worked as an editor and Secretary Nina Aliyevna Asfendiyarova. Each issue of the newspaper was formed by effective efforts. The main author of the ideas was Toregeldy Sharmanovich.V.I. Kopistko – the chief editor of the newspaper Medic, a member of the SSRU journalists, and a graduate of the Aktobe Pedagogical Institute. He made a significant contribution to the monthly publication of newspapers and duties performed.

In 1995, at the suggestion of Rector of the University A.S. Smagulov, the second editor of the newspaper “Medic” was Raily Bakievna Shanova.
Acting as an editor, a correspondent, a corrector of press, and a designer, she mastered the computer, also using multi-colored palettes, improved the edition both in content and design.
Since gaining state independence of Kazakhstan, special attention began to be paid to the Kazakh language. After this our newspaper began to be published in two languages, and this gained a new look.

In the period of her leadership, the editorial staff worked as a correspondent-journalist Tazhgulova Inzhu, who prior to the invitation to the editorial center worked as a journalist in regional television channels. Then the post of editor was performed by the teacher G.А. Satenova. In the newspaper “Medic” the themes “Salamatty Kazakhstan”, “My independent Kazakhstan”, “Jubilees”, “Forum”, “Message of the President” are widely distributed. On the pages of the newspaper there are such headings as “University Weekday”, “Our Achievements”, “Student Page”, “Bravo!”, “Personality”, “Curator Page”, “Kind Heart”, “Suynshi”. There are also announcements of the quality department, scientific council, continuing education, admission commission, library, industrial department, social educational center, clinical bases and other departments of the university.
In 2003-2004, rector of the Medical Academy S.F. Berkimbayev formed a new edition Medical Journal of West Kazakhstan, which publishes scientific and practical articles.
Pro-rector Gulsim Nigmetovna Kismanova, executive secretary of the c.m.s. G.N. Chukanova, technical editor G.A. Satenova worked on the journal.
The Russian language teacher S.I. Birzhanova, a teacher of the Kazakh language G.A. Kondybay, the English language teacher G.R. Abushakhmanov woked as proofreaders.

Academy administration decided to establish the Editorial Center. To this end, in 2004, the administration invited to cooperate a member of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan Alla Sergeyevna Almagambetova, who knows the basics of a printing house. She served as editor of medical journals.

In order to reduce the cost of the journal, it was decided to issue publications in the editorial office. Serik Duysenovich Orazov applied for a vacancy. In a short time, he mastered a new type of page layout, changes the design of the newspaper and begins to form the journal in the editorial office.
In 2005, in connection with the expansion of the editorial staff, the circulation workshop was formulated. It was renamed to the Editorial and Publishing Center (EPC).
Since 2008, under the leadership of Rector E.Zh. Bekmukhambetov material and technical base is centrally equipped at a high level.After that, the newspapers “Medic” and “Medical Journal of West Kazakhstan” began to be intertwined and published in the EPC.
In 2011, Tazhgulova Inzhu Yermekbayevna was appointed as head of EPC. She supplied the center with modern technology. The content of the newspaper has expanded, and the quality has improved. Business cooperation was established with Kazpost, a journal index was obtained.
In addition, Inzhu Yermekbayevna successfully cooperates with the republican, regional and city media, thanks to which she began her acquaintance with the public in her fields of science working in our university. Her articles were published in the following publications: “Yegemen Kazakhstan”, “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda”, “Ana tili”, “President zhane Halyk”, “Aykyn”, “Densaulyk zhane Obtsy”, “Densaulyk”, “Parasat”, “Kazakhstan Ayelderi”, “Diapazon”, “Eureka”.Also with initiative of I.E. Tazhigulova, websites of newspaper and journal were created.

The journal was excluded from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission in 2012 for restoration in the list of the Supervisory Board (CICI) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Since 2014, the Editorial and Publishing center of West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University is headed by Serik Duysenovich Orazov. Years of work added to him not only skill, he grew up in this organizer of the printing industry. His work was awarded by the Certificate of Honor of the Aktobe regional branch of the trade union of health workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan and by the letter of thanks of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan S. Kaiyrbekova. Since then, investing all his soul and working hard, he develops the center.

The scientific and practical journal “West Kazakhstan Medical Journal” publishes articles on fundamental and clinical medicine, practical health care, and original research and review articles. The journal publishes articles in Kazakh, Russian and English languages.
The chief editor of the journal – d.m.s., Professor M.K. Teleuov,
Deputy Editor in Chief – c.m.s., associate professor G.A. Smagulova,
Executive editor – V.I. Kononets.
Also the editorial board of the journal work.
In 2004, the first issue of the «Medical Journal of West Kazakhstan» was published. The journal is published quarterly. The journal is indexed in the international scientific journals of the Ulrich’s International Periodical Directory and the Italian CINECA, as well as in the Russian Bibliographic Database of Scientific Publications (RISC).
In 2016, by the decision of the commission, “Medical Journal of West Kazakhstan” was listed as a scientific branch of the Supervisory Committee of the MES RK.
On April 18 2019 the journal was renamed from «Medical Journal of West Kazakhstan» to “West Kazakhstan Medical Journal”.
All incoming articles are reviewed by a mandatory order. Scientific and practical articles are distributed under the headings “Actual article”, “Analytical review”, “Experimental and clinical studies”, “New technologies in education”, “Lectures”, “History of medicine”, “Conference. Forums. Symposiums” and etc.
We hope that our articles will be useful not only to scientists of Association of independent countries, but also to foreign employees of multidisciplinary medicine, practicing doctors and young scientists. The editorial staff has expanded the number of foreign authors has also increased. The editors receive articles from Italy, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Russia, Ukraine and Kenya. Thus, attracting foreign specialists, we increase the number of scientific specialists trained in management and standards of scientific research.
The journal has its own official website, which is regularly updated with a quarterly new number. The mail [email protected] is also available for correspondence with the authors.
By the 60th anniversary of WKMOSMU, the first issue of the journal “A series of conferences of WKMOMU” was released, which is also published quarterly.
The chief editor of the journal – d.m.s., Professor M.K. Teleuov,
Deputy Editor in Chief – c.m.s., associate professor G.A. Smagulova,
Executive editor – V.I. Kononets.
The journal is indexed in the Russian bibliographic database of scientific publications (RISC).
The structure of the EPC:
newspaper “Medic”,
West Kazakhstan Medical Journal,
printing house
“A series of conferences of WKMOMU”.
In addition to newspapers and journals, the printing house of the EPC prints various typographic products of the university and clinics of our university: forms, contracts, journals, brochures, booklets, and letters of appreciation, certificates, written permission from the hostel, various stands and other products.
EPC today has an excellent and full material and technical base. The center is equipped with modern equipment.
Technologically advanced widescreen computer of the latest sample
Color installation “Konica Minolta C600I”
Cutter IDEAL 3905
Electric guillotine IDEAL 3945FASTBIT termobinder
List Collector Horizon QC-S30
Royal Sovereign Laminator
Royal Sovereign H-1200N Laminator
Miz 770 risograph
Risograph (A3 format) RISO S-7168E, EZ371
Digital printing complex KM 423
Ultraviolet printing ” Roland LEF2-200»
Color installation “Konica Minolta C3070L”
For proper operation of the equipment, hoods were installed, and the center’s furniture was also renewed.
To improve the professional skills, proofreader G.N. Ilyasova participated in the republican seminar “Akparattyk kүn Thomson Reuters”, Astana. In 2016, the translator of the center S.U. Togyzbayeva practiced at the center of the development of the state language of the MES RK.
The staff of the center is working diligently and tirelessly on ways to improve the publication.

The center employs a full-time 6 people, part-time 3 employees. The staff is cohesive and each employee has specific role. All journal staff is involved to publish one issue of a journal. The article received by the editor goes through the inspection of the executive secretary and the executive editor, and then it is sent to the reviewers. After reviewing the article, proofreaders of the Kazakh, the Russian and the English languages work on the article. After repeated verification, it is transferred to the art editor and printers. After interlacing in the drawing workshop, the product is considered ready. Thus, the staff of the center replenishes each other. All employees are experts in their field.