Quality management system – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Quality management system

The quality management system (QMS) is a set of organizational structures, methods and resources necessary for the implementation of general quality management at the university. It is an integral part of the university management system at vertical and horizontal levels and covers all stages of the life cycle.

The functioning of the QMS at the university is a guarantee of the quality of the products produced and/or services provided. Since 2006, the QMS began its activities at the university with the QMS department (now the QMS service), directing its efforts to the implementation of the Quality Policy and Goals.

The effective functioning of the university’s quality management system is confirmed by the results of annual inspection and every three recertification (2009, 2012, 2015, 2018, 2021, 2024) audits.

The QMS of the NJSC “West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov” is maintained and developed in accordance with the principle of continuous improvement in relation to: educational activities in the field of training specialists with higher and postgraduate professional education; additional professional education in the field of advanced training and retraining of personnel with higher and secondary medical and pharmaceutical education; military training of university students; medical activities, including preventive, advisory, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitation; fundamental and applied research developments in the field of theoretical, experimental and clinical medicine.

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