Student Scientific Society – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Student Scientific Society

Given the important changes in the composition of our leadership, this year we present to you a renewed start to our activity. The Council Student Scientific Society and Council of Young Scientists Council made a unanimous decision to elect a new head of Student Scientific Society Nurseitova Totygul Khairollakyzy and a new chairperson Amirkhanova Regina Sapargalievna.

With pleasure we present our new leaders, who will lead our scientific ship to new horizons.

Together with our new leaders we are ready for an exciting journey into the world of science and research.

We also announce the fair and provide an updated list of activists Student Scientific Society.

Keep an eye on our announcements and news on the official page to keep up to date with all the events that await us this academic year. Exciting research projects and activities await you. See you soon on our scientific path!

Head: Nurseitova Totygul Khairollakyzy +7-775-324-51-93

Chairperson: Amirkhanova Regina Sapargalievna +7-707-112-41-08

Deputy Chairpersons: Maqsatkyzy Aidana +7-705-495-91-41, Kunayev Anuarbek Amanzholovich +7-702-825-35-17

List of activists:

  1. Bauyrzhankyzy Dinara
  2. Ermekova Akherke Asylbekkyzy
  3. Armanova Liliya Armanovna
  4. Abdukarimov Abdusamat Abduvahiduly
  5. Kamila Talgatkyzy Rakhmetullaeva
  6. Indira Kydyrgozha Indira Kydyrgozhaqyzy
  7. Kuanyshbaeva Baglan Izbasarkyzy
  8. Bainazarova Aruzhan Talgatovna
  9. Khamit Zhuldyz Bolatbekkizyzy
  10. Zhalgasbaev Abylai Aibekuly
  11. Ibragim Azamat Asauserikuly
  12. Anesov Abat Aibulatovich
  13. Zhanabaev Tolegen Talgatuly
  14. Akhmetzhanov Әlisher Almasuly
  15. Aynazarov Sayat Zhalgasovich
  16. Alika Talgatovna Makhatova
  17. Islamgalieva Dilnaz Yergenovna
  18. Karimova Әsemay Bakbergenkyzyzy
  19. Lukpanova Solidat Makhsatkyyzy
  20. Nurcultan Nauryzbauly Adilbaev
  21. Sarmurzina Aisulu Muratovna
  22. Sagyngalyeva Khadisha Bakytzhankyza
  23. Dikaeva Aigerim Askarkyzy
  24. Sagyngali Saltanat Kayratkyyzy
  25. Gabdullov Taiman Tolegenovich
  26. Dauletova Zhanna Asyltasovna
  27. Artem Vladimirovich Sanatov

Address: Aktobe, 68 Maresyev str., main building, 2nd floor, office 202

Inst: @mno_zkmu

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