«Y-PEER – International Volunteer Network» – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

«Y-PEER – International Volunteer Network»

Coordinator: Abilkhanova Dilnaz Nurbekovna

Contact phone number: 8 (700) 255-38-06


Brief information:

* Y – PEER is an international youth peer education network that promotes healthy lifestyles through the “tenge equal” approach and aims to enable young people and adolescents to make responsible decisions in their lives. Since 2016, we have been working intensively in 13 cities of Kazakhstan, namely Aktobe, within the walls of the West Kazakhstan Medical University. In our ranks, students of 1-6 courses work as volunteers.

* A global network of more than 2,000 non-profit organizations and government agencies; there is an active membership of more than 33,000 young people and hundreds of thousands of volunteers in more than 50 countries in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and the Asia-Pacific region.

Our goal is to develop the leadership of Kazakhstan’s youth in promoting education and protecting their rights, including in protecting reproductive rights up to equality through sustainable education.

The objectives of the program are to involve adolescents and young people in volunteer work on the “peer-to-peer” method of training, healthy lifestyle, protection of reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STDs), prevention of drug addiction, gender equality, human rights.

Our achievements:

1) in 2023, the UNFPA background Y-PEER Kazakhstan network, formed by the UN, was recognized as a stable network for 20 years

2) since 2003, with the support of the UNFPA Foundation, rust (training for trainers), MES (Summer School of leaders) have been organized twice a year.

3) 2019-advocacy (we have changed the “health code” by advocating for lowering the age of information consent from 18 to 16 years

4) Volunteers Of The Year 2020

5) We starred in Rinat Balgabayev’s Documentary Film “Not Ashamed”


6)2021-we implemented the Aspan chatbot platform


7) 2023-9890 the teenager was able to get information through our trainings

You can find out more on our Instagram


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