Discussion Club ”Zhalyn” – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Discussion Club ”Zhalyn”

President of the club: Kydyrkozha Dana

Contact phone number: +7 778 903 0526


Debate teaches and shapes:

  1. develop students ‘ critical thinking, speech skills
  2. clearly formulate the theses and arguments of students, not only offer arguments and solutions, but also refute the objection, confidently answer the questions of opponents and prove why this party is wrong;
  3. be able to attract the attention of the public by observing the audience;
  4. improve the strength, efficiency and accuracy of proof;
  5. express inferential objections through ingenuity and quick thinking;
  6. Take a critical look at all issues;
  7. Ask a question that makes it difficult for any opponent;
  8. formation of an active civic position of students of higher educational institutions;
  9. development of personal search for knowledge among the younger generation;
  10. educate the ability to resolve diplomatic disputes;
  11. come up with new ideas for the implementation of state programs and projects.


– November 2022. Regional debate tournament for young generations “Ai and Aisha” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Sherkhan Murtaza, organized by the intellectual debate club “Alash Orda” 2nd place, 3rd place, Nomination “Best Speaker”;

– KOGAMDYK kelisim KSU “Department of internal policy of Aktobe region” on December 1 of this year, the team intellectual game “under one sky”, 3rd place;

– December 2022. Regional debate tournament dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Sherkhan Murtaza, organized by the Faculty of Physics and mathematics of K. Zhubanov AOU, zpk “rhetor”, 3rd place;

– April 2023. Faculty of history of K. Zhubanov AUU. Regional Debate Tournament “great pedagogy“, organized by the intellectual debate club” Alash Orda” in honor of the 130th anniversary of Magzhan Zhumabayev 3rd place;

– April 2023, Republican debate tournament “Zhangir Cup III” dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Zhangir Khan University, 3rd place;

– November 2023. Regional debate tournament “mercy from the heart”, 3rd place, Nomination “Best Speaker”, nomination “intellectual Team”, nomination “novelty of the Year”, organized by the intellectual debate club “Alash Orda”, Faculty of history of AOU named after K. Zhubanov;

– December 2023. Republican debate tournament among students and undergraduates dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the West Kazakhstan University named after Makhambet Utemisov, Uralsk, Nomination “Best Speaker”;

-In honor of the International Anti-Corruption Day, The Quest game “Adal Boll” among intra-university organizations organized by the organization “Sanaly urpak”, the team of the PC “Zhalyn” won the Grand Prix.

Debate club «Zhalyn»

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