Service for youth affairs – Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті

Service for youth affairs

Head of Youth Affairs Service: Miramgul Serikkalievna Zhumagalieva. Higher education (Aktobe State University, named after Kudaibergen Zhubanov, 1997–2001).

Personnel composition:

  1. Kanieva Ainur Zhanibekovna
  2. Nurbayeva Zhanar Abdikalikovna
  3. Toremurat Aruzhan Nurkenovna
  4. Ayekeshova Ainur Sabitovna
  5. Sundetova Bakytgul Raulievna


The history of youth affairs service activities began 17 years ago, back in 2006, under the leadership of ZhanaidarovZhasulan Toremuratovich. At that time, there were not as many student organisations as now; only the debating club “Zhalyn,” KVN team “ZhedelZhardem”, dance club “ZhasStag”, group of national instruments “Serper”, student choir “Juventus” worked. Over time, due to the increase in the number of active students, the number of organisations increased and the volume of work increased. At first, the service was called the educational centre, then the centre of social and educational work. After the head of the centre, Bashbaeva Muslima Abdukarimovna, was appointed to the leadership position, Zhumagalieva Miramgul Serikkalievna, who since 2010 has been in charge of the service, and since February 2023, the Youth Affairs Service has continued its work as a separate structural unit.


The Youth Affairs Service is the main structural unit of the university, which implements state youth policy and civil-patriotic, legal, moral, and aesthetic education. In order to develop creative abilities in the interests of society, the university is systematically working to regulate the cultural, scientific, and professional development of young people. The main tasks of youth affairs are the effective organisation of leisure time for students, attracting active students to socially useful work, and organising the participation of talented students in competitions at the city, regional, republican, and international levels.

 The following organisations operate under the Youth Affairs Service:

  1. Sports club “Sunkar”
  2. The Syr Men Symbat Club
  3. Debate Club “Zhalyn”
  4. Alina Gizatullina Student Choir
  5. Association of talented youth, “MedSTARS”
  6. Folk group dance ensemble “JasStar “
  7. KVN team “Ospanov Kuramasy”
  8. The ensemble of folk instruments “Serper”
  9. Dostyk Student Club
  10. Club of young poets and readers, “Zhas Kalam”


During the year, meetings with professors and leading teachers are held on an ongoing basis in order to provide professional education in university dormitories. During these meetings, students receive additional information on their specialties and information about the personal experiences of older professors and medical deontology. These meetings foster students’ sense of patriotism and love for their profession.

In addition, in order to inform students, meetings are regularly organised with specialists from law enforcement agencies, the AIDS Centre, the city, and regional resource centres on topics such as extortion, financial pyramids, drug addiction, ludomania, and financial fraud prevention.

Another of the main activities is the organisation of the work of the Board of Curators. Curators from among the university’s teachers and staff are appointed annually for each group of first-year students. The formation of professional, educational specialists who are inclined to self-development in spiritual, scientific, human, and creative directions is carried out through the active work of group curators. In order to properly organise curatorial activities, the university has a Board of Curators, which includes all curators.

Throughout the year, the service’s specialists regularly carry out work on the placement and relocation of students, as well as conduct raids in student dormitories, work with student violators, coordinate the work of student committees of dormitories, hold meetings, and organise clean-up days.

During the year, the Youth Affairs Service holds a number of festive events, such as the fair of student organisations “Zhas Talap”, “Dedication to Students”, Republic Day, International Women’s Day on March 8, Nauryz celebrations, university anniversaries, memorial evenings, opening and closing ceremonies of sports tournaments of various levels, challenges, Diwali holidays, Navaratri for international students, regional and intra-university debate tournaments, inter-faculty KVN games, poetry evenings, and contests of young poets at the invitation of well-known writers-poets in the republic.


Zhumagalieva Miramgul Serikkalievna:

  1. “University damuynna koskan үlesi үshin” breastplate, 01.12.2022.
  2. letter of thanks from Akim of the region E. Togzhanov, 2023.

Nurbaeva Zhanar Abdikalykovna:

  1. Gratitude letter from the Rector of BCMU named after Marat Ospanov, 2022
  2. letter of thanks from the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2023

Kanieva Aynur Zhanibekovna

  1. letter of thanks from the rector of BKMU named after Marat Ospanov, 2022.
  2. “KR EҢBEK OZATY” baikauynyңң zhimpazy, 2023
  3. aktobe Oblast Kasipodak Kuyimy atynan Algys hat, 2023.

Contacts: Akkagaz Doszhanova Street, 6, student dormitory No. 5, block 2, 109 office, head’s phone: 87718585180, [email protected]

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