On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the university in 2007, the department of clinical residency, postgraduate studies was renamed the department of postgraduate education.
Assistant Professor Nurgalyeva Roza Yrgalyevnahas been appointed head of the department of postgraduateeducation.In connection with the reform of postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education, in 2009 the department worked to obtain a State licence to conduct educational activities under new educational programmes.In the academic year 2010 the department received the state license for the right to study in the magistracy in specialties «Medicine», «Public Health», «Medico-prophylaxis».
In 2011, State licenses were obtained for the right to study in the residency for surgical specialties.In 2012, the University obtained the State License for the right to study under the Phd programs.In September 2013, the Department of Postgraduate Education and the Faculty of Medical Advanced Training merged into the Dean of Postgraduate and Additional Education.
In September 2016, due to structural changes in the management of the university, the dean of postgraduate and supplementary education was transformed into the Department of Postgraduate Education.
In September 2018, due to the next structural changes in management, the Department of Post-diploma Education was disbanded, and the departments of internships and residents were merged into the Dean of internships and residents.
In October 2019, the Dean became the Department of Postgraduate Education, which included four divisions with their responsible staffInternship department (11 departments и 1 Centre)Department of residency (curators and teaching staff in the specialties of residency,academic committee)Department of Supplementary Education ( leading specialists in pre-clinical and clinical medicine – professors and associate professors)department of graduate employment.
The Department of Postgraduate Education (DPE) is a structural subdivision of the clinical work of the University, with the Vice-rector of the Clinic under the patronage. The Department of Medical and Social Sciences supervises the organization and supervision of the educational process of interns in 6-7 courses, resident doctors in 24 specialties, Provides planning and methodological support for postgraduate and supplementary education programmes, manages the placement of graduates in the Western Region and Kyzylorda; conducts control on their arrival at the workplace in the medical organization.
The purpose of the Department of Postgraduate Education is to organize the implementation of educational programs in accordance with the SES, GOSR, training plans for advanced training and certification courses; methodological support of the educational process for all supervised educational programs; field internships, if necessary, practice-oriented training of resident doctors at local and regional clinical bases; priority training cycles for doctors; urgent residency programs for the retraining of doctors; cooperation with higher educational institutions in terms of distribution of internship and residency graduates with their maximum employment.
Department of Postgraduate Education
Department of internship
Department of residency
Department of additionaleducation
Department of graduates’ employment

Doctor of Medicine, associate professor Nurgalyeva Roza Yrgalyevna – head of the DPEAssociate Professor of normal and pathological physiology, graduate of ASMI in 1986. After graduation, she remained in the department of Normal Physiology. She has repeatedly improved her qualifications in leading universities in Russia, Kazakhstan, the Baltic States, Malaysia and the United States. In 1997, she defended her Phd in normal physiology in Moscow, on the basis of the Russian Peoples’ Friendship University; she was re-certified in the academic degree of candidate of medical sciences in 1998 inHAC MON RK; in 2001 he was awarded the rank of associate professor. In 2010, she defended her doctoral thesis on the topic «Ecological-physiological peculiarities of adaptation of children of primary school age». In 2011, by the decision of the committee for monitoring education and science, the Ministry of Education and Science awarded the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.Author of more than 200 scientific publications and theses in scientific medical publications of Kazakhstan, CIS and foreign countries; in publications with non-zero impact factor of the base Scopus; was the performer of the STP with funding from the MES RK; author and co-author and co-author of training and educational-Methodical manuals on normal physiology; monographs on scientific research; author of two scientific patented inventions; prepared 1 candidate of medical sciences; 4 masters; 1 phd doctor «Medicine». Nurgalieva R.E. has certificates and letters of thanks from the university management and MH RK; are marked with breast signs «The Excellent Health Care» and «For Contribution to Health Care».