Registration number: 0121RK00361
Relevance: The relevance of the research problem is associated with a high degree of importance of social responsibility of the individual for the harmonization of social life of people in modern society. The social responsibility of the individual, as the basis for the formation of a full-fledged healthy personality of a citizen, is considered by us in the aspect of responsible education, conditioned by public demands in the interests of the development of social responsibility of the individual, social institutions, business and management organizations.
Purpose: to study the social responsibility of students in the conditions of vocational training in universities of Western Kazakhstan
Expected and achieved results:
- Collection of materials on the subject under study in the Scopus, Google Scholar, PubMed information databases.
- The basic concepts of the study “responsibility” (an external and internal regulator of personality behavior that allows her to interact harmoniously and fully with the outside world), “social responsibility” (an integral quality of personality that plays an important role in the motivational and value sphere of a person and the criterion assessment of his life activity in the surrounding world), “personal social responsibility of students” (the ability of a student to realize various social roles in his life, to be a bearer of traditional moral values, successfully interact in accordance with all generally accepted norms and rules with other members of society).
- The structural content of students’ social responsibility is determined, consisting of 4 components: cognitive, motivational-value, activity, reflexive-prognostic.
- A set of diagnostic techniques has been compiled: the method of diagnosing the level of subjective control of J. Rotter (adaptation by E. F. Bazhin, S. A. Golynskaya, A.M. Etkind), author’s questionnaire “Ideas about social responsibility”; methodology “Motivational structure of personality” (V. E. Milman); methodology “Ability of self-management” (N.M. Peisakhov); methodology “Ability to empathy” (A. Mehrabien and N. Epstein).
- Diagnostics of social responsibility of the 1st year students of the Marat Ospanov ZKMU was carried out and statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out using SPSS and MS Excel programs using methods for evaluating the reliability of the results.
- 2 (two) articles have been published in journals recommended by KOKSON RK – Bulletin of L.N.Gumilyov ENU, series “Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology” and Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai”, series “Pedagogical sciences”.
- Participated with the publication of 1 (one) article, 1 (one) thesis and an oral report in online format (due to restrictions in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic) in the international scientific conference “20th European Conference on e-Learning” held by the University of Applied Sciences HTW in Berlin (Germany).
- 3 (three) copyright certificates were obtained for the object “work of science”: No. 18499 of 08.06.2021, No. 21208 of 27.10.2021, No. 21209 of 28.10.2021 and 1 (one) for the object “work of literature”: No. 18500 of 08.06.2021.
Full name of the research group with their identifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID, if available) and links to the relevant profiles:
- Head, Leading Researcher (VNS) – Knisarina Malika Maksatovna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, ORCID: 0000-0002-7350-1768 (, Scopus authors ID: 57192387506 (, Researcher ID: Q-6386-2018 ( /)
- Researcher (NS) – Sisenova Ainur Tagabergenovna, Master of Pedagogy and Psychology, Head of the Personnel Development Department, ORCID: 0000-0003-3351-1248, Scopus authors ID: 57216964987.
- Researcher (NS) – Gulmira Sainovna Zhumalieva, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Psychology, ORCID: 0000-0002-6492-7644.
- Junior Researcher (MNS) – Aliya Maratovna Makasheva, Master of Public Health, Researcher of the Department of Scientific and Analytical Work, ORCID: 0000-0001-8776-3550 ( ).
List of publications (with links to them):
1. Knisarina M.M., Sisenova A.T., Baykulova A.M., Zhumalieva G.S. Online training in the system of development of social responsibility of students / Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai, series “Pedagogical sciences”. – 2021. – № 3 (71). – pp. 46-57. – . – https://bulletin-pedagogy
- Knissarina M.M., Syzdykbayeva A.D., Makasheva A.M. Social responsibility: mechanisms of its development through project training / Bulletin of L.N.Gumilev ENU, series “Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology”, № 3 (136), 2021. – Pp. 124-132. – DOI:
- Knissarina M.M., Syzdykbayeva A.D., Baikulova A.M., Zhumaliyeva G.S., Makasheva A.M. Features of e-Learning in the System of Studying Social Responsibility of Students // Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on e-Learning (University of Applied Sciences HTW). – Berlin. – 2021. – Р. 282-289.
- Knissarina M.M., Syzdykbayeva A.D., Baikulova A.M., Zhumaliyeva G.S., Makasheva A.M. Features of e-Learning in the System of Studying Social Responsibility of Students // Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 20th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL 2021 (University of Applied Sciences HTW). – Berlin. – 2021. – Р. 36-37. –
List of patents and copyright certificates:
Receipt of 3 (three) copyright certificates for the object “work of science”:
Receipt of 1 (one) copyright certificate for the object “work of literature”:
1. (one) Program of psychological and pedagogical support was developed to increase the social personal responsibility of a young person. The purpose of the Program is to increase the social responsibility of students in the conditions of their professional training at a modern university. The program is advisory in nature and is addressed to teachers and psychologists, teachers and curators, students and their parents.
2.Knissarina, M., Imanchiyev, Z., Adanov, K., Baikulova, A., Zhumaliyeva, G. and Kushekbayeva, A. 2022. Social responsibility of students in the conditions of professional training in higher educational institutions. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences. 17, 8 (Aug. 2022), 2580–2592. DOI:
3.1. Knissarina М.М., Syzdykbayeva А.D., Zhumaliyeva G.S. “Model of formation of social responsibility of students in the conditions of professional training”/”BULLETIN of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University”, Pedagogy series. Psychology. Sociology. — № 1(138)/2022. – 48-57. – DOI:
3.2. Imanchiyev Zh.E., Knissarina, M., Syzdykbayeva A.D. The conditioning of students’ subjective well-being on the level of social responsibility in a professional training environment Bake. Bulletin of the L.N.Gumilev ENU, series “Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology”, № 2 (139), 2022. – С. 226-234. – DOI: https://doiorg/10.32523/2616-6895-2022-139-2-226-234.
Publications in collections of international conferences
4.1. Malika Knissarina, Aliya Makasheva, Aigerim Baikulova, Gulmira Zhumaliyeva, Ainura Sissenova «Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Projects on Social Responsibility of Students in E-Learning»/Abstract Book 16th Annual International Conference on Psychology, 23-26 May 2022. – Athen, Greece. – 37-39. – –
4.2. Knisarina M.M., Zhumalieva G.S., Makasheva A.M., Bekenzhan Zh.B. “Social responsibility of the individual: the role of a modern university” / VIII International Forum on Teacher Education “Education, professional development and preservation of teacher health in the XXI century” – IFTE 2022 (International Forum on Teacher Education), May 25-27, 2022. – Kazan Federal University.-;
4.3. Baykulova A.M., Knisarina M.M., Syzdykbaeva A.D. “The relationship between the level of subjective well-being of university students and the level of their social responsibility” / VIII International Forum on Teacher Education “Education, professional development and preservation of teacher health in the XXI century” – IFTE 2022 (International Forum on Teacher Education), May 25-27, 2022. – Kazan Federal University. –
4.4. Knisarina M.M., Teneryadnova S.P., Zhumalieva G.S. Interrelation of modern communications and social responsibility of the individual / Collection of scientific and theoretical articles of the XIV International Baltic Communication Forum December 2-3, 2022 / Bulletin of the Faculty of Social Digital Technologies of the St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich, St. Petersburg, 2022. – Pp. 79-83.
4.5 Teneryadnova S.P., Knisarina M.M., Sisenova A.T. “The manifestation of social responsibility in the ethical discourse of personality” / International Scientific Conference “Modern Linguistics: from theory to practice”, held within the framework of the Kazan International Linguistic Summit 2022: (KILS 2022) in Kazan, Russia, 14-16.11.2022 – S.
4.6. Knisarina, M. M., Sisenova, A. T., Zhumalieva G. S. social responsibility as the value of the modern society / materials of the scientific and practical conference “the role of pedagogical universities in the construction of New Kazakhstan”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of D. F. N., Prof. Arshabekova N. R.-Almaty: women’s University, 2022. – 152 S.-S. 12-16
4.7. Zhumalieva G. S., Knisarina M. M., Bekeshova G. U. pedagogical conditions / material of education in the education of a socially responsible “New Kazakhstan” scientific and practical conference “role of pedagogical universities in the future of New Kazakhstan”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of D. F. N., Prof. Arshabekova N. R.-Almaty: women’s University, 2022. – 152 S.-S. 7-11.-
4.8. Knisarina M.M. Social responsibility as a trend in the development of modern domestic education / International Forum “Actual problems of science and education” dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – December 12-13, 2022. – Yekaterinburg
4.9. Zhumalieva G.S., Bekeshova G.U. The role of curators in the system of spiritual and moral education of socially responsible students / / The International Forum “Actual Problems of Science and Education” dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – December 12-13, 2022. – Yekaterinburg
Presentations at international conferences
5.1. 16th Annual International Conference on Psychology 23-26 May 2022, Athens, Greece with 1 (one) oral presentation “Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Projects on Social Responsibility of Students in E-Learning” in online mode at 05/23/2022;
5.2. “SIST 2022” – International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies with 1 (one) oral report “The role of socially responsible behavior of students in the modern digital space” online at 28-30.04.2022 on the basis of Astana IT University, Nur-Sultan, RK,;
5.3. Knisarina M.M., Zhumalieva G.S., Makasheva A.M., Bekenzhan Zh.B. “Social responsibility of the individual: the role of a modern university” / VIII International Forum on Teacher Education “Education, professional development and preservation of teacher health in the XXI century” – IFTE 2022 (International Forum on Teacher Education), May 25-27, 2022. – Kazan Federal University. – –
5.4. Baykulova A.M., Knisarina M.M., Syzdykbaeva A.D. “The relationship between the level of subjective well-being of university students and the level of their social responsibility” / VIII International Forum on Teacher Education “Education, professional development and preservation of teacher health in the XXI century” – IFTE 2022 (International Forum on Teacher Education), May 25-27, 2022. – Kazan Federal University. – –
5.5. Knisarina M.M., Teneryadnova S.P., Zhumalieva G.S. Interrelation of modern communications and social responsibility of the individual / Collection of scientific and theoretical articles of the XIV International Baltic Communication Forum December 2-3, 2022 / Bulletin of the Faculty of Social Digital Technologies of the St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich, St. Petersburg, 2022. – Pp. 79-83.
5.6. Teneryadnova S.P., Knisarina M.M., Sisenova A.T. “The manifestation of social responsibility in the ethical discourse of personality” / International Scientific Conference “Modern Linguistics: from theory to practice”, held within the framework of the Kazan International Linguistic Summit 2022: (KILS 2022) in Kazan, Russia, 14-16.11.2022 – P. 79.83.
5.7. Knisarina M.M., Zhumalieva G.S., Bekeshova G.U. “The role of the family in the formation of social responsibility” / V All-Russian Scientific Conference “Omsk scientific readings”, Omsk, Russia, 07.11.2022-02.12.2022;
5.8. Zhumalieva G.S., Teneryadnova S.P., Knisarina M.M. “Social responsibility as a fundamental principle of professional activity” / V All-Russian Scientific Conference “Omsk scientific readings”, Omsk, Russia, 07.11.2022-02.12.2022
5.9. Knisarina, M. M., Sisenova, A. T., Zhumalieva G. S. social responsibility as the value of the modern society / materials of the scientific and practical conference “the role of pedagogical universities in the construction of New Kazakhstan”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of D. F. N., Prof. Arshabekova N. R.-Almaty: women’s University, 2022. – 152 PP. – P. 12-16. –
5.10. Zhumalieva G. S., Knisarina M. M., Bekeshova G. U. pedagogical conditions / material of education in the education of a socially responsible “New Kazakhstan” scientific and practical conference “role of pedagogical universities in the future of New Kazakhstan”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of D. F. N., Prof. Arshabekova N. R.-Almaty: women’s University, 2022. – 152 S.-S. 7-11. –
5.11. Knisarina M.M. Social responsibility as a trend in the development of modern domestic education / International Forum “Actual problems of science and education” dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – December 12-13, 2022. – Yekaterinburg
5.12. Zhumalieva G.S., Bekeshova G.U. The role of curators in the system of spiritual and moral education of socially responsible students / International Forum “Actual problems of science and education” dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – December 12-13, 2022. – Yekaterinburg
5.13. Knisarina M.M. “Social responsibility in the system of spiritual and moral education of the individual” / Anniversary scientific and practical conference “INNOVATIONS IN MEDICAL EDUCATION” dedicated to the solemn celebration of the 65th anniversary of the NAO “ZKMU named after M. Ospanov” 30.11.2022-02.12.2022.
6. Certificates of copyright registration for the obtained scientific results, as an object of the “work of science”:
6.1. “Social responsiveness of personalities: role of the University”, Knysarina M.M., Zhengmaliyeva G.S., Bekenzhan G.B., Apostille 28769 from 14.09.2022;
6.2. “Apostille”, knysarina M.M., With Ferdinandd5kbayeva A.D., Zhengmaliyeva G.S., Apostille 28913 from 20.09.2022;
6.3. “Apostille”, nysarina M.M., Baikulova A.M., Makasheva A.M., Zhengmaliyeva G.S., Sisenova A.T., Apostille 28972 from 22.09.2022
7. Training seminars (4), trainings (2), a master class (1) and a round table (1) on the problems of a scientific project for students and teachers with the issuance of Letters of Thanks, certificates of participation of the university sample:
– seminar “The genesis of social responsibility in the modern world” for teaching staff, 01.07.2022, link: “Social responsibility is the key to successful self—realization of the individual!”;
– seminar (webinar) with international participation “Methodological foundations of the formation of social responsibility among students in the higher education system”, 08.07.2022, link “Social responsibility of youth: the future begins with an idea!”;
– seminar (webinar) with international participation “Formation of social responsibility based on increasing stress tolerance and resilience of personnel of educational and medical organizations” for teaching staff, 05.10.2022, link “International Seminar on social responsibility”\;
– city methodological seminar on “Effective ways and methods of preparation of scientific projects” for teaching staff and students, 01.12.2022,
– training “I am responsible for my life!” for teaching staff and students, 01.07.2022, link: “Social responsibility is the key to successful self–realization of the individual!”;
– training “Social responsibility is the key to successful self—realization of the individual” for teaching staff and students, 01.07.2022, link: “Social responsibility is the key to successful self-realization of the individual!”;
– master class and round table “Psychological and pedagogical support for improving the social responsibility of students in university conditions” for teaching staff and curators, 09/22/2022,
Brief information for 2022
Code of the task, stage * | Name of the work under the Contract and the main stages of its implementation * | Main results |
1 |
Development of a program of psychological and pedagogical support to increase the social personal responsibility of a young person in the context of his professional training at the university. Preparation of a full-text scientific article for publication in the KKSON RK journal. Diagnostics of social responsibility among students of higher education institutions in Aktau, Atyrau, Aktobe, Oral. Participation in the conference in Athens
A program of psychological and pedagogical support has been developed to increase the social and personal responsibility of young people in the context of their professional training at the university (approved on 23.05.2022 by the Marat OspanovWSMU). Была подготовлена и опубликована1 (one) article “Model of formation of social responsibility of students in the conditions of professional training” was prepared and published» in the journal Bulletin ЕНУ имени Лof the L.НN. Gumilyov ENUГумилева, series “Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology”, which is included in the list of journals, recommended by COXON RK. (Knissarina M..M., Syzdykbayeva A.DA.D., Zhumaliyeva G..S.. Model of formation of social responsibility of students in the conditions of professional training / / Vestnik ENU named Лafter L.НN. Gumilyov, series Pedagogika. Psychology. Sociology, № 1 (138), 2022. – Pp. 48-57. – DOI: https://doiorg/10.32523/2616-6895-2022-138-1-48-57://doiorg/10.32523/2616-6895-2022-138-1-48-57). Была осуществлена диагностикSocial responsibility diagnostics was carried социальной ответственности у обучающихся out for university students in the cities of Western Kazakhstan: NAO ” Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh.YessenovUniversity”, Aktau, 22.02-25.02.2022; NAO “Atyrau University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov”, Atyrau, 03.04-08.04.2022; NAO “West Kazakhstan University named after M. Utemisov”, Uralsk, 14.03-17.03.2022; Baishev University, Aktobe, 18.04- 29.04.2022 May 23-26, 2022 online participation in the international conference ” 16th Annual International Conference on Psychology”, organized in Athens (Greece), which resulted in the publication of the thesis on the project “Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Projects on Social Responsibility of Students in E-Learning”. (Malika Knissarina, Aliya Makasheva, Aigerim Baikulova, Gulmira Zhumaliyeva, Ainura Sissenova «Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Projects on Social Responsibility of Students in E-Learning»/Abstract Book 16th Annual International Conference on Psychology, 23-26 May 2022. – Athen, Greece. – 37-39. – – Было принято Full-time participation was made with an oral report and with the publication of an article (Knisarina M. M., Zhumalieva G. S., Makasheva A.M., Bekenzhan Zh. B. Social responsibility of the individual: the role of a modern university/Obrazovanie, professionalnoe razvitie i sokhranenie zdorovya uchitelya v XXI veke [Education, professional development and health preservation of teachers in the XXI century]. – Electronic text data (1 file: 7.16 Mb). – Kazan: Kazan University Press, 2022. – Part II. – 659 p – – pp. 305-312) in the VIII International Forum on Teacher Education in Kazan (Russia), May 25 – 27, 2022. |
2 |
Implementation of the training content of the program – conducting training seminars, webinars and round table trainings for students. Preparation of a full-text scientific article for publication in the Scopus database journal. Participation in conferences in Kazan and Omsk. Obtaining author’s certificates
Проведены обучающTraining seminars (3), trainings (2), a master class and a round table were held (1) for students and teachers with the issuance of Letters of appreciation, certificates of participation of a university sample: – seminar “The genesis of social responsibility in the modern world” for teaching staff, 01.07.2022; – seminar (webinar) with international participation “Methodological foundations for the formation of social responsibility among students in the higher education system”, 08.07.2022; – seminar (webinar) with international resilience of personnel of educational and medical organizations” for teaching staff, 05.10.2022; – participation training “I am responsible for my life!” for teaching staff and students, 01.07.2022; training – “Social responsibility is the key to successful self-realization of the individual” for teaching staff and students, 01.07.2022; – master class and round table discussion table “Psychological and pedagogical support for improving students’ social responsibility in a university environment ” for teaching staff and curators, 22.09.2022. A full-text article was prepared and published in the journal (percentile above 35), indexed by the Scopus database: Knissarina, M., Imanchiyev, Z., Adanov, K., Baikulova, A., Zhumaliyeva, G.. and Kushekbayeva, A.2022. Social responsibility of students in the conditions of professional training in higher educational institutions. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences. 17, 8 (Aug. 2022), 2580–2592. DOI: Submitted application and report text/articles “Teneryadnova S. P., Knisarina M. M., Sisenova A. T. Manifestation of social responsibility in the ethical discourse of the individual” for online participation in the Kazan International Linguistic Summit 2022: International Scientific Conference ” Modern Linguistics: from Theory to Practice “(KILS 2022), Kazan, Russia, 14-16.11.2022 (In the process of implementation: screenshots of uploads and conversations are available) Submittedы applicationи and textы of thesesов/ articles: “Knisarina M. M., Zhumalieva G. S., Bekeshova G. U. The role of the family in the formation of social responsibility” and Zhumalieva G. S., Teneryadnova S. P., Knisarina M. M. “Social responsibility as a fundamental principle of professional activity” for remote participation in the V All-Russian Scientific Conference “Omsk Scientific Readings”, Omsk, Russia, 07.11.2022-02.12.2022 (In the process of implementation: screenshots of uploads and conversations are available) 3 (three) certificates of copyright registration for the obtained scientific results have been issued as a “work of science”object: – “Social responsibility of the individual: the role of a modern university”, Knisarina M. M., Zhumalieva G. S., Bekenzhan Zh. B., No. 28769 dated 14.09.2022; – “Model of formation of social responsibility of students in the conditions of professional training”, Knisarina M..M.., Сыздыкбаева, Syzdykbayeva A.D., ZhumalievaG.., S., S..,No. 28913 dated 14.09.2022. 20.09.2022г; – “Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Projects on social responsibility of students in e-Learning”, Knisarina M..M.., Байкулова А., Baykulova A.M., Makasheva А.A.M., Zhumalieva G..S., Sisenova A.., Сисенова А.T., No. 28972 dated 22.09.2022. |